2022 100×100 at IGCA: Panels and Shadowbox
For the 2022 International Gallery of Contemporary Art 100×100 exhibition, I entered three pieces, including two mixed media panels with oil on paper on tempered hardboard panels and one laser cut relief sculpture framed in a shadowbox. These pieces are priced very affordably as they were all experiments with marbling, drawing technique, and presentation of a fragile object in the style of a natural specimen.
As a volunteer at the IGCA I highly recommend their First Friday opening for this annual fundraiser: after COVID, it’s a great feeling to gather with other artists and community supporters to see the sketches, experiments, and studies that are a part of this yearly show. Find all the details and, for those that prefer to shop online, an excellent online store, at igcaalaska.org. If you can’t make it during regular gallery hours (Wednesday-Saturday, 3-7pm), the IGCA also offers private viewings: just get in touch to schedule a visit.